Patient Groups and Wellbeing Centre



Please click on the icons below for more information.

Milton Keynes Sensory Services

Do you have Hearing loss of Sight loss?

Contact Milton Keynes Sensory Services:

01908 401135

07803 401135


Please see some further information below;

Hard of Hearing Group, Dates for your Diary:

Wednesday 12th March, 2pm - 4pm Milton Keynes Council 

Thursday 10th April, 10am - 12pm Network Rail 

Tuesday 13th May, 2pm - 4pm  Coping Strategies

Wednesday 11th June, 10am - 12pm Lipreading Taster 

For more information, please visit


Specialist Equipment for people with sight loss Open Day

A 1-1 morning ands afternoon appointments available on demonstrations of equipment - Contact them on 01908 401135

Thursday 6th March - Milton Keynes Sensory Services, Gloucester House, Silbury Blvd, Milton Keynes, MK9 2AH


Do you have sight loss and struggle with Technology?

Visit the next tech hub session - these take place on the 2nd and last Friday of ebery month, 11am - 1pm at The Almere, 353 Avebury Boulevard, MK9 2FF.

For more information contact 07456 202702



Upcoming Events

Social Prescribing Day

Come and join Community Action:MK's Social Prescribing coffee afternoon on Wednesday 19th March.

13:30 - 15:30 @ The Almere, 353 Avebury Boulevard, CMK, MK9 2FF

For more information click here